In those fleeting moments of telepathy I shared with you, it was revealed that only love can break the silence of the mind.
When the heart sings, thoughts we thought we’d never share with anyone become rays of light
that split the mist of consciousness; connecting us through heartstrings interwoven into time and space.
Nowadays the silence is stark only art and nature sing to me in the way when I once sat magnetically attached listening to your heart
Though, not everything is verbalized and I’m still speaking through the energies and memories that cascade unto the gravity of heaven causing me to fall upward
That must be why ghosts float lol caught between the pull of worlds
but, anyway, we speak through concentration and consensus in my fingertips which drip into the ocean that I’ve talked about before
I’m always letting magic slip in synergy and unison ubiquitous with this gasping sigh of relief
love laced in life’s belief that we should know, though life is brief we are together in the deep