I love my wife A fact so many overlook and don't believe When I see something beautiful my first thought is Hera Our marriage is everything to me Hera is my reason, my judgement, my rationality She is my freedom, my understanding, my sentiment
I am the king of Gods I know things no mortal could understand I know of hero's who will be and who must And I know that it is my blood that must flow Into those mortal veins to make them strong as Ares Fast as Hermes and as smart as Athena I know there is no other way
My beloved Hera, She forgives me for what I must do But her heart is broken, shattered and crumbled I see it fall apart more and more, my own a shallow reflection To hold her all together, to make her whole- My most selfish desire after all I've done
To see her happiness shine through those cracks Fleeting now, unlike the time before we had such responsibility Before hero's were needed, before duty and divinity Back when the world was new and it was simply the two of us Hera and Zeus When her heart shone so bright it nearly blinded me I took one look at her and I saw something no mortal could Something no fleeting romance could give me