touching the darkness of the expired night with every breath I take I stare up at a ceiling I cannot see laying on top of a stranger's bed with the tune of rain falling upon the roof and windowpane echoing softly behind the melancholic melodies of Giveon I cannot sleep as evidenced by the night's presence breathing on my neck my thoughts all tend to drift to you I cannot let you out of my mind the memories of you burn more passionately than ever before and yet my tears sooth their lingering sting as they slowly descend down the sides of my face while I remain motionless I wish you could leave me in peace I cannot escape you even in the comfort of my own mind but part of me also hopes that you never do All my senses blur darkness fades and in its place is your captivating silhouette which laughs as you turn to smile in my direction I close my eyes and yet I cannot get past the taste of your lips on mine I try to focus on anything else but its almost as if you're teasing me like you once did before I begin to hear your laughter and smell your distinctive scent it feels so real almost as if I were laying right beside you tucked into your body as you would wrap your arm around me tightly I open my eyes gasp for air and quietly whisper to no one but myself how much longer must I wait until I no longer feel as though I am only half of a human why did you have to be so tender so attentive so thoughtful and observant you've ruined me and now I don't know how to cope no one treated me the way you did and I miss your comfort I miss you