I fall in love with the sound of the rain as it hits my window pane It comforts me as I lye in bed at night and reflect on all that is dead
I fall in love with you as the snow falls lightly, and embrace every moment that we spent together.
I fall in love with the crinkle in your noise The one that slowly appears every time you smile that brilliant smile and laugh that wondrous laugh
I fall in love whilst talking to you, The way you talk, laugh makes my day so much better!
I fall in love with the smile of a stranger on the street When they give me a gentle beam as our eyes meet In that moment I don't feel so lonely
I fall in love with the way you run The rhythmic beating and the sweat, They help me decode your personality from stranger to bff
I fall in love with the cool side of my pillow on a hot summers night When my body is begging for relief from the summer heat and it thoughtfully accommodates my pleas
I fall in love with rhythmic waves from the ocean Poseidon sends us, It gives me a reason to hug you when you get cold
I fall in love with the sunset, each time I lay my eyes on it As the sun slowly sinks into horizon to create such a sublime image My eyes always dazzled more and more each time
*My parts are in bold for easier identification.
This poem is the collaborative effort of Claire E and myself. It was fun working on it, and there may be more to follow, stay tuned! If you would like to see her page http://hellopoetry.com/-claire-e/ <- Click that