Enforced by climes, Potentially creative times For those indoors; creative hours Using things of daily use To make you happier than usual: Training, both to get and keep Your strength and flexibility; Practicing a hobby’s pleasure; Art of leisure; Cooking from ideas not tried, new acquired - Meant to eat and cure at once; Lance the boil spoiling all the current toil; ‘Things’ each physical and mental, Incidental and essential. They but ‘things’ - activities. Not only there to ‘live’, but please. No matter what, life’s there to please, The ease not always easy.
To give to you some things to do While undergoing a non-boring Squeezing out of this disease By seizing on a life of things To do small things in times like these.
Things To In Times Like These 1.28.2021 Our Times, Our Culture II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin