i. expect the unexpected. you were unexpected, that’s for sure, but the most unexpected was my falling for you. not my type, not safe, nothing, but it was you i fell for. know that falling doesn’t hurt, don’t keep yourself locked inside yourself for so long. falling is blissful, even if you don’t end in his arms.
ii. it will be beautiful. let yourself be lured in. bloom alongside him and do not be scared. the stars are watching over you, you will be fine.
iii. even if you think you are ugly, you are beautiful. inside you is pure love, even if you don’t use it for yourself, remember that it’s there, because that is the most beautiful thing of all.
iv. you love him but let him go. you love him but he doesn’t love you. you love him and even if he says he doesn’t want to hurt you it will hurt. it hurts so much but it makes you stronger. true, i led you to this fate, but trust me. your light glows warmer after it has been extinguished.