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Jan 2021
His masculinity spun me in extreme degrees,
covered me in his enamoredness, his opalescent
rivers of seeping steam that magnetized me,
entrapped me in his immensely exalted art,
his concupiscent skin engrossing me,
carrying me down under to his seemingly
endless labyrinths where his secrets were revealed.

I melted like crystal ice in a large silvery pitcher,
leaking unremittingly, powerless in his majesty,
spaced out, soaring in the night, intoxicated
by his sublime, unconquerable manhood,
his body so right and ripe, fantasizing about him
every night, singing to the swaying of his thrilling
torpedo, how he stroked his mouthwatering meat
so erotically, inveigling me in his naughtiness.

The feel of his amber skin had me trembling within,
clinging to his kingdom, every fraction of his attraction,
analyzing his sleekness, drifting into dizziness and sweatiness
as he became my weakness, everything that I wished
to tame, painting him so realistically in the various realms
of oozing milk and flavored honey, reveling in his unsurpassable
palace of hidden lasciviousness, losing my mind in it all.
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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