There is no one out there for you, for me, for anyone. There are just people taking life one tincture at a time. I know this just as I know that cigarettes will just make you cough, and just as surely, you will smoke them until your voice sings out of tune anyway.
There are no great cameras, no screenplay writers, to lap you up and kiss you until dawn. Instead, you bitterly spit through half-smiles and half mean them too, and only half the time are they lovely.
But you've been told otherwise, huh? Red lips, red wine and red meat is dream that's sold to the dreaming, in life it leads only to red stains. Sometimes they don't come out and you'll cry, sometimes they're a piece of the evening you'll welcome to your messy wardrobe of messy clothes.
Let's just call it what it is and know that without those words we are just bags of skin and bone that watch the stars as chemicals fight in our heads.
And that isn't always perfect, because it's not written that way, this way, your way, my way or really, anyway at all