Ageing is a funny thing: You don’t remember what you ate For breakfast; day or date; A dozen little things of late… But classmates from when you were eight, The teacher’s name and where you sat As fresh I-don’t-know. Time used to go so slowly In the summer holidays. You, left to roam the streets alone; The ice cream man, his ice cream van Jingling melodiously; Playing ‘potsy’ on the sidewalk, Marking out the form with chalk; Trolley cars still rumbling by Soon to flee, be Changed for buses, electricity. There still was coal, an icebox. I was six. Wagons rolled, pulled by a horse. Who would think the time could blink And nineteen forty-one would sink Into oblivion: friends gone, The matinee on Saturday, Chinese three course lunch a dollar, Mommy hollering to come inside; Brooklyn memories that hide till now, When from the blue, unasked, Incongruous, an echo and a powder Banks of memory pour out unmasked.
Memories Out Of The Blue 1.17.2021 Circling Round Experience; Circling Round Ageing; Arlene Nover Corwin