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Jan 2021
I woke up in a dark place
could see no light each path
I took
Like lwas on my own again
or maybe the world had ended
And it was only me left
My adrenaline levels Started rising,l thought living my solitary life
maybe l would make it though
I was wrong
The further l got lost in the darkness, the more frightened l got.
I guess l was caught up in a dome
That had been kept far from the
shine of the moon or the sun
maybe a test for my bravery
I took out a lighter to
put the light on.
some how l felt less alone.
The darkness no longer scarced me ,as l kept looking at the lighter
A round of applouse from an audience
I couldn't see
It was just an audition
In the dark
Some how l got the role.
Isaac afunadhula
Written by
Isaac afunadhula  18/M/kireaka
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