One evening when the lights were still bright and shiney bawballs that dangled and had once clung on for dear life, now started to fall . one by one . then the elphs and the nymphs ! , one and all . they knew the end had begun. . The pixies fled to the four corners of the wood , along with the fairys who were upto no good ! For even the angel who sat on the tree saw from far away what was to be , the creeping darkness on this twelth night opened its mouth to swollow them whole !
so The Angel spread her wings of light and devised a plan for only one could be queen of this land .
And so the night put up a fight as the harpie stole souls that were not hers by right ,
before she was vanquest by her hand and sent back to never never land and when the centaur and spinx had fled the kind angel said whos next ? And so the clown that slumped against a tree just laughted and laughed, then when his head fell off he laughted even more , even though his head was on the floor . Then when his arms fell off he laughted some more . Untill his insides split and everything ended up on the floor ., and so he laughted some more . So mother said put your toys away that tree has to come down today .