If I were to give, But a single complimentary Expression of appreciation, To describe your rakish charm, Crooked smile, Thoughtful presence, And belief in others, It would be not of honeyed words, Streaming forth to nurture A supple vanity or growing ego, I would not mention your dextrous Use of complex lexicons, Nor your stunning beauty, As observed in glittering sunlight Not even a mention Of your soft kind eyes, glowing with a gentle warmth
If I would be so inclined, As to compliment you As best I could, I would have to lean upon The 'G's of modern dictionary And say you're pretty good
I felt like being a little playful and mischievous with this particular poem. Sometimes it's hard to find the words to describe the person(s) that you care about. And sometimes it's hard to know if others care about you. Look into the depths of a single word and know there is an ocean of praise just below.