Heaven always too high, down on earth acting like I got seven lives. I don't really fear death less I see death in the sky.
That's the forecast of the season hoping we make out this spring, We're all out here hoping and believing, We see the better light of the sun hoping this season isn't so dim. Counting the stars in the sky, for the ones we betting our dreams on. Don't we always love to act so ply, bent over ourselves by our demons And where they come from, like the places we try to hide.
Let's all gather around in this upside-down world, What you see is only a flipped idea, how isn't that profound? Far below us, an intellectual arrangement to the fold.
Seems we're all bending the rules of life, A risk we seem to be taking, forgetting the consequences once in the afterlife.
I'm just spit balling here, so cover your face I'm not running away from life, just out for the chase, Tell me if there's any of you like that out there?