I didn't ever really stop to consider the future, I was always more of a "hung up on the past" Kind of guy. I used to think it was romantic, peering at life Through rose tinted glasses that were Fogged up with nostalgia to the point Where it nearly completely obscured my vision. I liked having those inward facing eyes, Anyone who saw me could tell that I wasn't really seeing them back. They could tell that I was having Backwards thoughts, It was selfish And I ******* loved it. But now, I don't like it so much.
I'd like to look Into the horizon now, Not over my shoulder At a long ago fallen dusk. I'd like to peek At a dawning landscape Beneath the rising sun, And find a path there. A path that we could walk down, Filled with laughter and joy. A path winding through the Hills of our lives, With changing elevations And varying levels Of difficulty. I want to camp out, And lie under the Blanket of the starlit sky. As fate Weaves a tapestry Out of the threads Of our heartstrings.