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Jul 2013
You gave me hope and it shattered too,
For I am bruised and battered too,
And every wound you've given me
Lives on proud like a legacy.
Since every thought I spent on you,
Seems like a waste and pointless too.
You taught me much and mended me,
But now i've grown and we are free.
You go your way and I'll go mine,
We part as friends ; the world is thine ........

For all the love and pain and dread,
And every little note you read.
I will remember the happy times,
Like tossing nickels pennies and dimes.
The comfortable quiet of our breath,
The more than often speech of death.
The stories that u often told,
Of kings and dragons strong and bold.
I will remember that odd little smile,
It got my heart racing for quite a while.
But most of all when I think of you,
I know for sure that u will think of me too .......
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