It is him , The man who writes, the man who makes my heart beat every night.every time I am with . For I have passed out in fields of green , all alone with rolling clouds black some obscene , the paper wet from The rain , my eyes bleary with pain , I wring them out with his words all dripping and wet , and play them over again and again in my head . my clothes may be wet from the day , but these silent memories just wont go away prostate on this field that I lay , I clutch his words into my breast the silent words that are as yet unsaid, though wind and rain assail my mast , all wretched and alone when these words have passed Yet somehow I shall still remember him in poetic words and distant dreams , in gardens that have not let been covered in snow , for there will my crocuses grow . And if he dies and we have not met , a thousand of his words , will still lay in my bed