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Dec 2020
He was so sexually suave and strong,
a shimmery dream with high rising scenes,
overflowing with spectacular adjectives
and swagger, his eyes a paradise of vowels
bright diction with friction, sensuous nonfiction
with a descriptive definition.  His lips were softly
pink as the roses that bloom in the summertime
gardens, his distinguished beard growing
so beautifully, his hair filled with deep black
waves that I could gaze at for days and escape
inside his awakening nation.  I was engaged
by your exquisite sweetness, the urgency
of your verbs so firm and flawless, streaming
in his extensive content, his body and soul
written in prose, his dreadlocks swaying
in harmonious motion, so fixated on his manly
creation, the way his supreme scent streamed
in my nose, drawing me closer into his kingdom.
I enjoyed his serene warmth, his deepest desires,
his moisturized skin so satisfying, smelling like
dove, all clean and crisp, your golden earrings
And necklaces shimmering like a green gem.
I took in your dark eyebrows, your pieced nose,
your oval-shaped face so addictively gratifying,
finding delight in the way your physique glides
and spellbinds my thoughts, just turn off the lights
and let me linger in your life.  Surprise me exciting
treats, let me hit the blunt with you, let me get
essentially high, take shots after shots of Hennessy
as we become dizzy, our heads spinning in the wind,
covered in luscious sweatiness.
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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