My personal testimony to share It was December 21, 2020 I had a Health issue situation It will be explained in this composition Yet with timing in precision I rushed myself to emergency at a Hospital in my area I was bleeding and urinating at the same time I was praying steady until My mind focused was relishing on Death at that moment But a sense of realize came over me It was divining Faith in believe So that was my relief In emergency, I was waiting for a Doctor
Various tests were taken I just had to wait for the results Hours later, A Doctor being an Urologist came over to me and gave me the test results My condition was nothing more than an infection I was given Antibiotics and another medicine But here is where the miracle surfaced Remember, it was December 21, 2020 in emergency When I went home that same day, the healing was already in process December 22, 2020, the bleeding had completely stopped, and I was urinating without any trace of bleeding The healing was the promise transcended Deliverance on target Thatβs my testimony in how I overcame my condition, which God and only God did What I went through, God can also pull you through Worry not, but do believe Thatβs my encouragement in inspiring others Proven and satisfied It came from Heaven where God resides