the day I fear another man to the extent of smearing him or spreading disinformation and misinformation or is even bothered enough to engaged in stalking that man is the day I will **** myself for I will have irrefutable confirmation that I am a lesser being unable to hold my own in sincere and honest scrutiny what is a man if not himself I am not like a fake soldier who boast of unproven battles and oozes glib stories for when you meet real veterans who served bravely with courage and distinction the last thing they do is talk about what they did aside from the Classified Information requirements real men do not talk about heroics or actions the lesser men hides in closets and spews panoramicΒ Β tales of experiences borrowed from the one dollar pulp fiction paperbacks then poses as the hero in his own back garden impervious to the truth of fantasies laid bare our self aggrandising modern day Scaramouch the fake done good in hot bulls the gallant lesser in truth