Burning the midnight oil Compose in construct Writing at times when in the trash There were even moments, I simply wanted to dash But looking for words took longer than I ever would have imagined Hours pass, and found myself falling asleep, so much for sleepless But during that sleep, there was a knock at the door in my head It was words telling me “Wake Up Wake Up” We have word to do They were telling me, you are far from being done The words said, “Write this down” The time is too write, but not think on slumber Sentences certainly came to mind Words after words became another The writer was writing like no other The words and sentences have found a true love writer It’s a matter of believe and formulate The focus of words to create The Writer realized, he had the love of writing all along The writer said, “This is where I belong” Sleepless through endless time The Writer achieved within his own thoughts His now captured sipping on some wine This is a special occasion, and I can celebrate and dine Words continued to come even after North, South, East and West Words from the Writer says best “Writing is what is enhanced, it becomes the opportunity. The Heart and Mind say, and words that come out. It’s words through the meanings. There is a reason to be sleepless But writing being sleepless until The mind flourishing on will