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Dec 2020
m[A]sted Ships
                          m[E]mo Slips
m[I]sted Mirrors
                   m[O]rning Frosts
m[U]dded Trucks
               plus one at the back
of every picture of
                every Hotel room I
have stayed in for the
              past 20 years and all
anonymous except
                 for one in a Paddy
Whiskey bottle which
                 has my name and
contact address as
                 I promised to give
the the finder ©
                  ownership off all
my poetry which
               since the year 2000
has averaged 3
             every day currently
they exceed 20,000
                so, somewhere on
The Atlantic Ocean
                A corked bottle of
a Corkmans musings
                  await harvesting.
Ryan O'Leary
Written by
Ryan O'Leary  Mallow.
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