There are strange happenings going on down Apple Lane many of its residences are strange and quirky, maybe insane take Mrs.Gray at number 10 in her garden she has six-foot hens and Mr.Tattles at number 2 is always stealing other peoples shoes the problem with him is with the people still in them and what is that green glow from number 4 look over his back garden and the glow is more
The road to these houses is something to believe the trees there speak in German and have black leaves and birds of despair tweeter insults to passerby's whilst throwing homemade blueberry pies at number 20 Mr. Barker has a homemade cemetery right in the middle of his front garden and if you ask him why, he says I beg your pardon
Yes many a strange tale that makes you say wow that's what you have down Apple Lane they say their English but most speak gibberish it is definitely a lane for the insane is this Apple Lane at number 13 unlucky for some lives Mr. Plum who is always shooting out of his window with his Bebe gun what a queer lot of folks they are by gum