If you never hear from me again ,
just remember this ,
it is that I loved you with the fondness of spring ,
for it was not in a twinkling that I did depart ,
but it was to ever lay upon the ruins of my heart ,
the sadness it would bring .
For Not an ounce was it not spared ,
upon these mill. Ponds ,
that rippled ,
that laid bare upon this frozen earth ,
those daffodils of spring .
But alas this winter is eternal has laid contempt upon my brow ,
as our bodies perish ,
from this cold ,
but let it not be like this if it is it to be remembered ,
for only by the merriment of youth ,
shall it be endowed ,
That we should ever spend our days on earth ,without a friend ?
And the dear sentiments of when we first met ,
are now only tinged with the deepest regret .
That these bitter winds one day might end ,
and if they do I beg of you ,
that you will see me ,
not then as the years have marched on ,
but as a companion and a friend.
But if not the years than what ?
For the years in all their dearest forms ,
should dare to charm what we once knew .
For if it were my last food parcel would I not give unto you ?
For if it not Charity should ever boast about things just as these ,
It is that this endless winter should ever bring us to our knees ,
and walk cap in hand to our Lord and master of thi# land ,
that he should take pity on the plight we now stand ?
Or if a passing stranger should walk on by ,
and take ruth,
under these blackened skies ?
Or just find one more thing to wither and die .
But they themselves have not food to eat ,
and walk aimlessly about these forever cursed streets .
And as of now you lye unmoved ,
upon the ground
as snow gives you it’s blanket of spring ,
unmoved unbowed ,
the daintiest most beautiful thing ,
Layed to waste upon the ground .
For now I to must sleep for a while ,
for death is only the first flower of spring,
the most prettiest ever eternal thing