One’s always aiming at and for good art, Emotion just a minor part. One amuses using humor; One weeps from milk that’s spilt; If one’s longing tops the theme, All the same, one wants good art: Intelligence, truth from the start, Not smitten by cliches, For if they must be written Make sure they’re on purpose, not from weakness. (Neither smart-*** smart nor cynical But heart dug in the spiritual) Readers are not seekers, not in quest… Nonetheless, The verb, conjunction, placement careful, You desire your work, its poetry The -ality which underlies expression, Reaching with finesse the chosen few intent on you, To generate a luminescence, (Not to speak of essence.)
One’s Always Aiming At & For Good Art 12.2.2020 The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin