I am scared. I cannot escape this nightmare that you have created. Why is it following me everywhere I go? Why can't you just be gone. Why did you have to exist at all? All you did was **** me up in the head. I was forever changed by what you did to me, by what no one did to fix it. No one tried to make it better. No one cared enough to make you go away. No one locked you up. No one threw you out. You were allowed to stay. In the place that I am supposed to feel the safest, the house of God. You were allowed to stay. Even though you ****** me up. They call that religion? They think they can point fingers at me because I lost most of my faith? Is it religious to let someone take a piece of your soul, to violate them and not be reprimanded? That is what you call religion? Do you think He would look down upon you and praise you for that? Do you think He would blame me for turning my back on the church when the church was supposed to be there for me? I do not think He will think any less of me for the decisions I have made based upon what has been allowed by His church to happen. I think, when my time comes and my days on Earth are completed, that He will not only open his golden gates for me, but also joyously welcome me with open arms and His loving embrace.