Two birds took flight at different times on pinions driven By a shared need for height and clarity in the thinner clearer Air above the chattering noise Of lower altitudes,
Two birds, both feather clad yet more apart than chalk and cheese, One a raptor with keen and savage eye And beak and claw, The other softer, silver grey and dove,
Two creatures launched at different points in history, Sharing a common physiology Yet at odds in their interaction with the world And opposite ends of the food chain,
Not once should their flights cross except but once, Even would time dividing their flights permit, And then would end in a flurry of blood And broken feathers,
But against all that these things can happen and sometimes must And did and then As perception grew in predator and prey, Eyes widened in unexpected recognition Of a kindred spirit,
Then immutable rules of living worlds are broken And the norms of life themselves take flight for suddenly Those rules donβt count for much And what then remains
Is unknown
Do we fly?
Or do we crash to earth?
an old poem from another time.. Oh the things one finds in drop box......
Oh and if you#re interested, we very much crashed to earth