some are beginning to think a little some have crawled back into their caves to lick their sore heads some are changing profiles and becoming foreigners with foreign made up names some are reddening with anger for they need to vent without looking anodyne some are so brainwashed and fixated they just have to keep at it some are in a twist not sure how to balance hate against obvious common sense some are desperately looking for other angles to lash out after all anarchism is about destruction and that's something they do to themselves and other regularly some can only feel relevant and significant when they pick on others for there's really nothing valuable in their lockers but really the ones that suffer the most are those ones who in hidden vales get flutters and hot tingles from braying hate and doomsday when its attention they want for that just get their rocks off to no end in their sick minds they have a personal relation with this man much like that movie where De Nero is kidnapped by a crazy fan there's a thin line between love and hate, they say so you know what I mean just think and remember-, The lady doth protest too much, methinks Some cannot stop and creep away some just can't, a dolphin is an awesome sight and the passion is legendary oh, oh, oh. how we hate that man, lets go trolling again and again flutter, oh flutter....