The Pale face thieves were boasting
by the time we finish with him
he won't know who he is
he will never trust again
we will alter his personality
we well erase him
we will wipe him out
we will cancel him
we will emasculate him
we will haze him
we will **** him up
we will drive him paranoid
by the time we finish with him
he will be
that man begging for pennies outside tube station
this is what London gangsters do if you stand up to them
if you refuse to pay extortion money
if you scream at them and threaten to expose them
they are still at it
but I reckon they have spent more time. money and effort
then whatever proceeds they got from stealing from me
and I am still standing
not begging for money outside train stations
and certainly not stealing or involved in any criminal activities
and knowing there are lots of people who know the truth of it all
how their consciences and guilt must ***** them
every moment day and night
they carry the burden
and it is them that have had their personalities changed
they know they can never be the same
even if they think so for me
hey! I am getting of lightly
for I never did wrong
they know that.....
Criminals names: Chris, Joan, Tom and Kelly McCafferty, Associates: Lina, Cindy, Bill, **** Bobby and gangs, The Care=Taker Mr Bing. East London Militant Socialists, Mr and Mrs Thomas...East Londoners underworld uniting to 'we look after our owns'...In Ghettos they all unite to protect hence the unspoken code of silence, if you do not join, they will do you and your family for that means you are not one of them. That is why the inner cities are full of lawlessness and you always know somebody who can get you anything you want on the cheap, that's he brotherhood of the ghettos...I am not unto that kind of brotherhood, so I pay the price for saying,,,''you can't do that, I will tell all about you. They stated. I don't belong, apparently I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, hence I can afford not to be like them...