Millions of flakes are leaving their nest... Up in the clouds... To join mother earth... It is as if they were gifting earth with a white blanket... They fill every corner... Every inch of space as they fall through the chilly winter air... Seems they want us to forget the land was green and lush just a few weeks ago... But maybe it works the other way... Instead of us forgetting how beautiful the land is when green and warm... These snowflakes falling will actually cause us to hope for warmer and nicer weather in spring time... And this is no different from life... Hoping and dreaming that tomorrow we will be a better day than today... For this poet happiness means knowing that a beautiful lady with sweet eyes is happy... And hope means wishing the lady will be happier tomorrow than she was today... For I will be happy is she is happy... For the time being I will stand by the window... Watching the snow flakes fall... And hoping my soul will have enough inspiration to write a poem a day for her... And I think it will... For her eyes are an endless source of sweetness and inspiration... Thinking of her will inspire more sweet feelings and poetry than the number of flakes tonight...