Her wings hung restless against the open shaw, how she needed love like she did before , yet the evil knight with temprance went followed her forever .
There was no cliff that she could hide , for her wings grew weary against the tide , the battering winds that were her guide , the evil knight that stalked her .
O help,me please “ said she but the geece flew south their flock forever honking , "We cant help you we have to fly to feed our chicks or mate or die , and you have been left alone said I . alas we cannot help ya ."
So she asked the winds to help her fly , against the bird that sort her , they lifter her up way on high above her evil stalker .
And so the evil knight that masked his wings hid crafty thoughts above all things , but he somehow failed to find her.
“ There you are home at last ,” said the wind that hid the blast , then softly died , and left her .
And as the rock which hid all things , in its cracks her dainty wings he hid them all her precious things their mouths forever open , and so death became her daughter , and waited until she was alone , to stalk her .