It won’t be long now He has only got a few more minutes An hour at best The crazy juice finally did him in His liver is rotting His memories get incinerated Night by night One snippet at a time The anger does not show The bitterness is not there In his eyes The jealousy and pettiness No longer burns bright It has dwindled down to a single tiny flame It will go out soon I feel that I should say sorry For being a bad son For not not spending enough time with him But I always sent him my second paycheck For not being near him I was always trying to save lives But I can’t save him now I want to say something Some kind of a final goodbye But I can’t bring myself to walk into the room It smells of feces and failure The rest of my siblings are all in there One sitting still Two staring at each other Three staring into the light of their cellphones I am adopted So its different My presence doesn’t really make a difference Last I heard he looked tired Defeated Already gone So I guess it’s OK that I am already making my way home