fussin' over bow-tied manacles and pleather braided belts on midnight suits and bone-white shirts - as flags are hangin' high on the right-hand side of silver Cadillacs and rust-patched Ford trucks - stirring limply in heavy breeze from thick thunderclouds that always visit on lonely days - whilst we fall behind in convoy of flashing red and screaming blue towards that muddy earth patch of death - raising high our black umbrella keeping rain from washing tears off so many placid sad faces - from memories held dearest to chance encounters of even slightest recollection - we all hold black umbrellas over single person lost to life and condemned to earth herself - but what cosmic crowd grips cheaply crafted plastic hilt over the grave of earth herself, condemned
Sorry if this was such a ******. I have been having a lot of difficulties looking to a hopeful future for society when we seem to continue to splinter and fracture further and further. Allow yourself polite discourse with those you disagree with. And allow them the room to speak their thoughts and yourself the time to assess the information before you condemn a person for their ideals. And always know the topic you speak of, from research and not from cherry-picking single sources of news media.