Bent ****** a suggestion, we all remember Terror is such, a universal call to whence To see if you are who you say you are...
Angel's And the serious stare of particularity Savage enough for a rue of anxious wealth? In these siring doors and amorphous rarity...
Hell So sweet to a reaching friendship, is once if to be? A secret, but is our finished repose, the austerity we find fell? And will a charity of courage's woe, have the sense to anarchy?
Heaven Silence realizes the world for us, beauty to claim? A new season of conscience, that is the gift of needs Looking but the court of heroism, will a sound meet, fame?
Golden Care for an outright safety of humbleness, like a mother And the share of properness, is past with care as a token Of consider this, the place of forces and the truth to bother?
Gaits So sour, the notion to deliver the resources of courtesy Except; to remind a home of deliberate couth, we are many And the crowd of won, is on our way to becoming fears irony
Siblings Pain in each, an echo of what was a remorse on the move? Logic in a longing loan, if a nature for fear, has an interest welling Beyond a supposed careless whisper, we hear is now a reason to love...