you were a flash of vibrant color, then my back hit the ground.
suddenly, my chest was breathless and i watched vile things grow from the pause in my body
collecting by the Susquehanna when you never came, i knew impotence would follow me home to Hatfield and it did,
more rot from frozen frames when being locked up got me locked up a nightmare blossomed
i sang of black roses on your bedroom door
but there were red ones too.
i sat and played back colors on the projector screen and said my favorite one was blonde, so strong so rect Alive
feeling these new thorns that were not yours they made me wish i'd held you more gingerly
because then you were other things loosing blood you didn't need and staring at me from space with one black empty eye ******* at life with your emptiness keeping kernels that tell questions and filling sacred chests with ugly floods of color
now you unfold over that ridge, San Antonio far from anything and anyone i've ever known
totally novel.
liberation beckons me
liberation from the past from self-pity from the dirt you shoveled early
& for the first time that girl is fading from my mind but i'm in love with it.