black sun rising behind a pair of bone white pyramids
i don't know why i keep seeing this
the urge to thread my absurd dreams into the naked normal is overwhelming and yet every single morning i dig graves for them behind my eyes
black sun setting golden sand turned into a mirror meant for the grinning gods of frenzied denizens of some dim and distant existence
my conviction has always slipped through my fingers
eater of worlds beseecher of ends hell bent on getting new skin to kick rocks in constant unconscious mach speed god needs to ******* back to his rabbit out the satin magic act ******* full clips cool kids pulling cooler patterns to be enraptured with slap-dash dash away faster and faster and faster
heat death
we need silence in each and every vestibule
we seek death like a cheap ticket to a free event we know we wont even show up for
donation boxes overflowing with halfhearted suggestions futures trading praise be to praise be to praise be to praise be to be to be to be you be folklore be old warrants served to bones beneath floorboards go towards the morning as well as from where the dirges are drifting out of
incense smoke the glow of a tv white noise no you know you wont need me ill float away hoping to find a bright void to anoint with dream-speak en route to a deep dissent i intend to rent to tourists