A Man named Bond That’s James Bond 007 it is But his real name is Sean Connery He made tons of movie action flicks 007 a sequence that sticks Gadgets used emphasize the adventure effects They were used as protects 007 being an Agent I remember one of the movies, THUNDERBALL Utterance in the word All action that would be heard You would often find 007 in female love Two hearts coming together one can think of I know now I have your attention But Sean Connery was more than an Actor He competed in Bodybuilding Contest such as the Mr. Universe So you see Sean Connery is Universal He spans Globe Across the seas thieves try to steal But 007 is hot on the trail to see being an Agent is for real However, Sean Connery life goes beyond the Mr. Universe Title Try keeping a Scorecard of his accomplishments You would probably run out of time Thanks Mr. Connery for your talent I couldn’t just be silent 007 I know so well Sean Connery’s Acting that was simply swell Thanks for the entertain My heart will always remain Until we see each other again Heaven called and you must transcend.