I haven't written in forever Due to lack of motivation I let my sickness get the best of me And steal my inspiration
I will tell you all something, that many do not know For the last little while I was up and out All over the city of T.O.
I crashed at a friends and sped right up He gave me a shot to stay low I don't remember what happened all week But on Friday it was home to go
I spent today recovering Sickness rocking me from within My whole ******* body aches From the core of my bones to my paper thin skin
For someone so young, merely the age of 18 It's weird to see the tracks on my arms, showing where I've been I know my daddy must've saw For he knows exactly what I've seen
Addiction ***** Don't ******* try to glamourize it
So yeah that was my week that just passed i feel like I look like **** but I'm gonna be good soon. I really tried to write last week but idk if any made it though the spotty ****** wifi