This poem is Rated X Designed to test this website, not filled with *** Your probably wondering what will come next A look on a moderators face as he or she becomes perplexed Something about me loves having fun Which is probably why I'm on this poetry run.. Traditional...I don't have a clue Never studied poetry or went to school All I know words keep burning up my mind So I arrange them and focus them through my rhyme Giving a fellow human something to read Not done for money but done for a need What else can I give if I can't give joy Would you rather me be a monster who lives to destroy? Mischievous me wanted to write a poem using the word ***! Which is why I call this poem "Rated X"
7-6-13 M.A.N I see just using the word *** qualifies a poem to be explicit. I will keep that in mind for future reference.