Because of you, I'm doubled over All through the night And it's dark very, very dark, Pitch black
And in the distant hours, Im rocking and rolling Stomach in knots.
The darkness and blackness looks and me and laughs Knowing I promised I wouldn't And I have The stars, the milky way, the universe All giggle at my weakness
But I laugh back up at them At myself I should be frightened bit I am being fixed Healed, is going too far, However.
I am not the Capulet, an NO! You are not the established Montague Star-crossed we are not But at one moment, gravity did not pull me down but pulled me in
And how dare you make my emotions tun into a supernova How dare you allow me to feel
Because now, it's too late.
Not star-crossed, but stars collided And what happens then? We both know we'll blow up Supernova I just trust the universe To make sure nothing