in pensive hidden arias the songs of rainbow trails in the now and never of vivid clouds carrying forth whispering rains that stings in forms known yet heavy are hearts and thoughts what glory for victory when sirocco hails in sunshine and priceless reckoning hawks the bazaars of the nomadic tribes
sing me songs of azuris find me a tent in dusty hapless dreams for a time but not for ever for ever is never my camel carries a heavy load I travel at setting dim the temple gods sleep in Luxor and the Tuareg are raiding find me in the promised land where the alchemist make gold name me in your language but honour me not with your daggers
I fare in westerly winds in land of two suns and fork tongues taking cloudy covers yet a stranger to kith and kin in all I trade by batter for in oases there are mirages too alone and afraid I sell counterfeits and drink milk to survive buying stories in opaque hues to gambol as sheep do just to live in ancient lures I pay while my heart and soul long for a true home