Television show memories Memories of a lover That lover that seemed like they held the potential of forever Deep gazing eyes that said everything and nothing because it was all felt inside Gentle featherlight strokes along the lines of each other's body Allowing your fingertips to build memories of warmth Muscle Smoothness Scent Followed by the build up of hands that can't grab enough fast enough Kissing scenes that capture the passion you once knew Kisses that could barely contain the desire Deep breath kisses that took in their entire essence Taking quivering pause to look again into their eyes That slight smile before demanding their mouth again Desperate to have as much of them in you as possible So you could hold onto fleeting moments and Commit them to memory where they could live forever These shows carry us to lands we've never been to And still we recreate that magical relationship It remains perfect and pure Passionate A fire that forever smolders Because for a time, you were that show In any part of world It wouldn't matter because you could've been anywhere In anytime And it was with them So it was everything You just didn't expect the episode to end so soon