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Jul 2013
You think you're not beautiful  because there is no space between your thighs;
Yeah, well every girl that suffers from anorexia would **** to gain some weight, but instead pieces inside of them just die.

Girls think the definition of "beautiful" is skinny legs, a flat stomach and skin and bones;
Well the truth is: being beautiful is so overrated and every girl should be accepted for the image she owns.

We are expected to look like Victoria Secret models who have "perfect" written all over their bodies;
Have you ever heard of photoshop? No girl is perfectly made and for that they get teased.

All over the world there are girls risking their lives to try and be perfect, whatever that means;
They don't even know how much they are hurting themselves and yet they are only teens.

The media has planted a picture in our minds of how we are supposed to act and what we're supposed to look like;
What happened to being accepted for the individuals we are on the outside but also on the inside.

We have all been brainwashed by this sick thing called society, where we are forced to be perfect and act like robots;
Nobody is recognized for who they really are, it's all about the numbers on the scale and how much weight you've lost.

Well, I can only say one thing about what the world has become;
I'm sick of everyone being judged on what they look like because if you're happy with yourself than the opinions of others should be. NONE.
To all the girls out there who think they're not good enough because they don't have the "right" figure. Well guess what! There is no correct figure, you are beautiful for who you are and what you have to share with the world. So go out in the world with a new confidence because you shouldn't care what anyone else thinks of you <3
Sarah Antilope
Written by
Sarah Antilope  Canada
     Kyle, Rose, Seeker, ComplicatedCharmer, --- and 13 others
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