I did not arrive locked in filthy lower decks chained and manacled millions of my people did cause you wanted sugar I am Royalty as were my ancestors your history tells your story its there for the truth seekers greed and bloodlust rule hence some claim you are the spawns of satan himself unchained and un-manacled like Mandela, Ghandi you cancelled my living and celled me my crime is to be Royal and free and dared stand against criminals, injustice and racial prejudice in your modern stance its now stasis slow death red baiting, McCarthyism and cancel culture to eliminate right to state not all is evil or insane but to those who know no shame or have human souls I will neither fear you or fight you for the retributions of over ten millions of innocent souls awaits you I did not arrive locked in filthy lower decks chained and manacled
https://youtu.be/LKAtpQdxeUQ this is a 'must watch'