I'm seeking to amass a Collection of the World's spiritual, mythic and philosophical codices. I want to collect them out of veneration for those who came before who have tried to illuminate the Paths:
The following is my library of such books of yet. Entries in bold are my recommendations; entries italicized are strongly recommended.
-Old Works:
Egyptian Book of the Dead Tibetan Book of the Dead The Bhagavad Gita Euclid's Elements Tao te Ching (I have 3 translations) I Ching (2 translations and a workbook) The Qur'an The Bible
-Newer Works:
Plato and a Platypus walk into a Bar: Philosophy explained through Jokes Quadrivium: Number, Geometry, Music, & Cosmology The Pulse of Wisdom - College Eastern Philosophy Book Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna The Elements of Reason - College Logic Book 1001 Perls of Buddhist Wisdom Net of Being by Alex Grey Art Psalms by Alex Grey The Portable Nietzsche The Red Book of Jung The Portable Jung The Subtle Body - Encyclopedia of chakras, auras and other personal energy systems. Who are you? - 101 Ways of Seeing Yourself --
I seek to compile this Collection not to have a nice looking bookshelf; nor do I seek to find which one is right.
I seek to learn from each of these the lessons that are intrinsic in our Lives; they're all matters of perspectives.
I want to compile the aspects of each philosophy with which I resonate and integrate them into my own, forging a dynamic and holistic individual philosophy.
All of these books are Mystical masterpieces. All of these books provide insights to the nature of our Holy Reality. All of these books ultimately attempt to express the same ineffability. All of these books are interpreted then translated and interpreted again. The way I see it, I may as well do it for myself; draw my own conclusions: Think for myself.
If anyone seeks further information such as publishers or Authors not mentioned, please let me know. If anyone has suggestions for additions to my collection, please let me know. :)