if reasons govern and rationale is what it is and common sense gets fair airing and sophistry is not so addictive to the lame
then in stark reality the chippers chipping away would grasp less the blunted knives that's yet to make a cut after thirty years
look at the planters toiling night and day sowing alas all sown are stones in mirages and all that's grown are the vocabulary of flying monkeys
in truth its all a con the fools errand of finding a left handed knife or Striped paint in black/white the diluted emulsion of rogues that makes the innocent the guilty
one sided stories aired distortions misinformation unquestioned malice pollicised, fabrications lauded to the gullible lies hedged by lies to excuse the unreality of the unreal
So please just do as you're told for to question chicanery and banality is not an option readily open to the banal commoners a time wasting confused and disingenuous ruck helps relieve the miseries and inadequacies of the mundane lives and mediocrity