It wasnt how it should have been Did i not knew to go unseen It wasnt that my heart was made To brake unto shattered pieces laid A thousand tears that ran my cheek When all i wanted was to be free Instead unheard the prayer i praid Instead ten thousand days to face
It wasnt that my self should die It wasnt in the truth subside To take away my sense of worth My self love stolen from myself Making light of my despair Taken into count no where Never letting me to go Slowly poisoning my soul
Time was flowing each day through The strength to come in paid due Had i not knew what heartache was Would happiness elude me too?
No For it was the path The journey fate For me to travel To undertake To discover whom i had to be The truest essence of purity Like a diamond facing heavy weight To shine in worth reciprocate It was the way to face rebirth It gave me more of Love's worth Keeping me for ever more
And in the moment Let me say I forgive you And bare no blame For what Life deemed Has given me A glimpse of peace Eternally For every hole that my soul enfolds Is letting light shine from without Finding that growth takes place When cracked the ground From underneath the leaf takes shape And freedom reigns within change What once had died Bore Life again