No one and everyone On the wings of nothing Above winds of something . Less storms not come And time not find That no human mind ever spoke aloud .. No cloud or raindrops ever having held on too long Nor I to you clung so fervently as Like static electric enchantment capacity … These are not but a blink in the eye Of a storm so mighty and fierce in sky Which devours like an hour .. You and I both know That no dove be ever caught Dead to flying right in a storied storm . Though in mind it is certainly not By any means explanatory Or for want of try to fly
What's in a name? A meaning most true? Not a memory or voice which completely explains, this being known as, me. I am. The once which wisely never flew. On a darkened day of gray and cold. And yet, once asked, I am ever capable of living a breathing life between the folds. Blah blah. Me.