To begin its tale I start with the day, which opened the same as any other-- with my eyes fixated on a cigarette in an ashtray.
I put a light to another so he'd have a brother. Hopping in the shower the lights and I shivered, blanketed by warmth the cigarettes became a vase with a flower.
I faced the glass but refused the image mirrored. No good would come from stalling to dress, for a package, not mine, needed to be undelivered.
Soon I sat in a park with a friend and a board of chess, he said, "You need not be here I know your worth, others need to know you neglect them less."
Unsure what he meant, I still rose and went forth, to the world of friends who tend to dislike me. Back turned I heard young laughter and exited the mirth.
Walking in a desert forest, I grew to be rather thirsty. I ignored the mountain lion that was out of place and took shelter under an oasis's bourgeois.
Sweating in the cool shade, memory thought to erase any action I took before I lay to rest. As I looked down I saw a garden from space.