It is the cool of the predawn morning and I lay in my bed your peace settled into me in spite of the troubles that awakened me. Here in these moments you tip toe into my bedroom and lay beside me your being so soft and peaceful I hardly notice your presence. But this is so typical of you, my Lord. You do not arrive with bombast of the need to be noticed as I have done the largest measure of my life. You are the Great Mystery. I have seen your silhouette laying upon the mountains in the gray and orange twilight of the west. You are all around me in the deep layers of being. You are there in storms with your lessons for my species that we ignore to our detriment.
Still you do not force Yourself upon us but always free us from constraints allowing us to say no to You with alacrity.
But I am humbled by your silent soft presence early this Sonday right here in my bed beside me awakened by you again - You gently inviting my consciousness into your heart into your Love.