Solid wholesome balanced intelligent minds know here is Residential Home for the bullies the Narcissist, the inadequates and the schmucks we know you're full of self loathing you are unhappy due to something in your past or present we know you know you feel inferior and angry we know you're an inadequate cowardly person who lacks so much and feel so miserable internally we know you want to share your miseries we know you deflect, project and crave attention and seek to get some release from trying to make others like you
we know you hate others who are superior to you that you hate happy balanced people that you painfully suffer from envy and jealousy and that you're a lowlife punk who hate yourself we know all this cause we are balanced and intelligent matured, wholesome and adequate and without an inferiority complex we have read all about you we know what made you the way you are we know of your defects, your pain and your shame and how you try to cover it up by picking on your betters and we know you are the odious one with the problems you are the sick one go fix yourself.......